Past-Life Complexes: Common themes and stories

1. Insecurity and fear of abandonment
Often related to past life memories of literal abandonment: being orphaned, sold into slavery, left out to die in times of famine, separated from loved ones during a crisis or a war, etc.

2. Depression and low energy
Loss of a loved one or a parent; unfinished grieving, suicide memories, despair as a result of war, massacre, imprisonment or deportation.

3. Phobias and irrational fears
May be caused by all kinds of trauma in a past life, death by fire, water, suffocation, animals, knives, insects, natural disasters.

4. Sadomasochistic behaviour problems
Usually related to a past life memory of torture, often with loss of consciousness, usually with sexual overtones. The pain and rage seem to perpetuate hatred and a desire to revenge oneself in the same way.

5. Guilt and martyr complexes
Commonly stem from past life memories of killing a loved one, sacrificing a child, ordering the deaths of others, or feeling responsible for their deaths (eg. in a fire). The entrenched thought is most often, “It’s all my fault. I deserve this”.

6. Material insecurity and eating disorders
Past life memories of starvation, economic collapse or inescapable poverty, may manifest as anorexia, bulimia or obesity.

7. Accidents, violence, physical brutality
Repetition of battlefield memories from warrior lives, unfulfilled quests for power, love of adventure. This complex is common in adolescence, the time of life when many soldiers historically met their deaths.

8. Family struggles
Past life scores to settle with parents, children or siblings: betrayal, abuse of power, inheritance injustices, and rivalries. Includes most Oedipal dynamics. 

9. Sexual difficulties and abuse
Problems of frigidity, impotence, and genital infection often have past-life stories of rape, abuse, or torture behind them. Even cases of incest and abuse may turn out to be reruns of past-life patterns where emotional release was blocked. 

10. Marital difficulties
These sometimes derive from past lives with the same mate in a different power, class or sexual constellation: Eg. As master, mistress, slave, prostitute or concubine or where the sex roles were reversed.

11. Chronic physical ailments
Relieving of traumatic injuries or deaths. Headaches may relate to intolerable mental choices in other lives, throat ailments to verbal denunciations or unspoken thoughts, ulcers to memories of terror neck aches to hanging and strangling. Therapy often relieves chronic pain in these areas.

Source: Woolger, Roger J. Other Lives, Other Selves. New York: Bantam, 1987